Livive medico legal solutions strives to be a dependable provider of health care solutions and medical expert services. Our experience and medical expertise provides the best solutions to the attorneys. Digital innovations scrutinize to provide the best market solutions. Our core areas of work include medical malpractice, personal injury and mass tort.
At Livive medicolegal solutions the medical records are reviewed and using the latest technologies and medical expertise, medical opinions and summaries are prepared by a medical team who have vast experience in the field.
We also provide special reports using latest digital technologies that have revolutionised the medicolegal field. We match the best standards in providing quality reports that are accurate and successfuly meets the business needs of the client.
Our key strengths are
Novel Approach
Livive is know for the novel methods and advanced inventions we incorporate in summarizing the medical records. We differ in digital representation of voluminous data. Some of our services are first time ever in the field od medico legal documentation. Our merit indicator sheets are one of a kind. We step out of routine documentation and our innovative technology presents a never before experience in schematic representation of case summaries and reports. We provide color coded special reports that enhances reader experience.
Advanced Documentation system
We provide schematic summaries where the entire case happening is presented as illustrative diagrams thus the events are visualised to provide a better insight. A calendar clock narration summary is one best tool to view critical records. We also provide schematic medical opinions supporting the narrative format for in depth analysis of the medical events.
Digital Documentation
Advancements in medical records documentation has reached the next level.
Digi- Summaries and Digi- opinions are the latest innovation used by Livive in the field of medicolegal documentation.
Along with the regular medical summaries we present the whole new experience of visualising the medical events in two dimensional videos. Our medical expertise and technology goes in hand in hand to present the Digital summaries and Digital opinions.
Effective team work
Experienced medical team and energetic technical team are the perfect combination that enables Livive to take a step ahead in providing excellent services in medico legal documentation.
Our core team plays the key role in creative innovations we provide. We are in constant updation of the latest techniques to provide the latest advancements in the field. We strictly adhere to projected timelines that makes us business friendly.